9.30am - Bronwyn Coles - Yoga
9.45am - Diana McCann - How to know what your Body needs?
10.30am - Kelly Griffiths - Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging
11.00am - Morning Tea
11.30am - Deborah Rugari - Is Electro Magnetic Radiation making you sick?
12.00pm - Riannah Roach - Get out of your Head!
12.45pm - Lunch
1.45pm - Bronwyn Coles - Yoga
2.00pm - Jess Lawson - Vega Testing
2.30pm - Jodie Nevid - Journey through the ladder of emotions. When life doesn't go the way you planned.
3.30pm - Afternoon Tea
4.00pm - Julie Way - Living with Trust and Defencelessness